Saturday, October 24, 2009

where are you now? When i need you the most..........

where are you now? when nothings going right...

Monday, October 12, 2009

you dont fight for anything anymore, its been like ths for lil while now
i feel like you just give up every night,
that your tired of it
its like your sick of me
you dont fight for me , anymore-
you dont make an effort to fix anything anymore
you settle for it being not ok. its a mhm , or a ok , or w.e or not call back and even the next day morning
i get nothing.... you leave it how it is.
and the boyfriend i use to have
would ALWAYS txt me/call me a million times until that one txt id finally answer back....
he'd leave voicemails .....saying how much hes sorry how much it doesnt matter , saying how much he loves
me. i looked forward to those voicemails.

i'd be lucky now to get that....
its like you dont care as much as you did before.
your different ....

if you wont fight for me then im not going to waste my time fighting for you...