Sunday, March 8, 2009

to you, -
i want you to be my wall the person to make it better my shield my prince in shining armor to come save me when im lost.but your the very thing thats on the opposite side of that wall but why question is why cant you make happy....when im sad? pick me up when ive fallen? its me my problem my guard being up n not being able to bring it down regardless of who your are how close we are how long youv'e been there it doesnt change anything . i've been my own sense of "support" that i dont let anyone else be that for me i've just been through enough that ive convinced myself only i can pick myself up ...because ive done it multiple times .regardless of the sweet things said ,- of the people closest to me.@ the end im still left feeling the same and i cant change that & i wish i could
-xoxo lovele let it be known story of my life.


  1. I dont want to be on the other side of that wall. I want to right next to you as your shield and your prince. I want to be able to protect you from all pain and suffering. I want to be your knight who you can grasp and hold tightly for comfort and warmth. I understand what you are saying. sometimes when you have fallen, you just need to learn to pick yourself up. I want to be your prince in shining armor who can catch you before you fall. At times i feel the same way. At times i feel like i am the only one who can be my support. But at the end of the day i would walk through hell for you. At the end you might feel the same and you cannot change that, i want to be the one who can. I want to be able to be the one who can fix things before they need fixing. I want to be part of your life story
    i love you


  2. I think that no matter how much we can make people happy whether it be someone close or not...we can't. We can make it all better...but ultimately, we can't. We can try and try and try, but it's going to happen again. But really, we HAVE to keep that. People need people. The things that you've talked about with me really show me how you really are as, not just an individual, but as You as a a whole. Sometimes, I feel that I'm that someone that's on the opposite side that can or can't do anything, other than be helpless or just seeing a big wall in front of me where I can't see you. I yell out, but nothing. But what really matters is that I'm glad that we're still here...I just wish I can bust the walls between us. Theres so much more that I want to show you myself...I want to share more with you that you probably haven't noticed about me. We've been at it too long...I'm not letting go.

    Peace and love to you and yours...Love.


  3. Oh yeah, you're gonna like that mixtape I have for you, and this dope LP. I'll get it soon
