but my friend caries like girls need to not cry over that....boys.or something like that....that girls need to learn bettershe said like why cry over a guy who just broke up with youthat obviously he was a careless jerk...
but in my defense i told her its still going to hurt like its not oh my god shes crying over a boy it HURTS & it does to get HURT like whether or not the guy screw you over cheated w.e the case wasthats the last thing you think about in reality when it comes to a relationship being doneim like you have to understand that if you were with someonefor long time you grow close to that person and you develope a strong emotionalbond .thats why it HURTS that , THAT IS WHATS OVER. that close relationshipsure you may be upset or mad that you got screwed over but thats not where the tears come from its that certain thing being over.... thats where the tears come fromnot from being cheated on not from being screw over but by loosing the very thing you grew to care bout so stronglyand knowing its over.
and then this other girl very well agreed with me.that what i was saying was true i understand my friend carie where she was coming from what she was saying but @ the end of the day no girl accepts the whole " he's a jerk , move on dont be upset over himits not worth your tears" deal into there head. regardles of how wrong she was treated and howmuch all the things she knows are right the whole jerk move on dont be upset over him its not worth your tearsdeal.doesnt matter-you cant phase a girls mind when it comes to"lust. love. infatuation." and thats what is comes down to.
im not going to lie i've had my fair share of being hurt , screw over numerous times.but i always gave out 2nd chance after chance after chance because i thought maybe one of the chances i gave out maybe it'd be different but it never was.but still for some reason i always went bck to the guys who screwed me over for some reason . -they pulled me bck so easily like a flip of a switch.ask anyone , they'll tell you my "guy past" to hell & bck.and i know that even today its effected me it still does how i am with guys/relationships, certain situations.but ...its changed in a sense like i wont let a guy treat me the way i've been treated or do the things that i was screwed over with which i have to admit is half true because.at the same time..i know in my mind i'd go back to my old ways and give out chances just like before i know because i've done it with my current boyfriend right now and my guy friends now but who were also at one point with me.
with my current boyfriend we got into an altercation and i was honestly hurt by something he has said my heart honestly broke and i didnt know what to do the first thing was i want it over that i couldnt do this
whole hurt/pain thing again . but @ the end of the day i did. n i gave out another chance which im not
saying i take it back because i dont @ all its just thats what i do ,and im making it a point
no matter how mad or upset i act im always going to give out another chance so is that bad im
not sure. i do still think bout it but its over and done with and that chapters closed
somewhat of what my grl said was right.but how to conform to what shes saying and actually be that strong person to be like hey you knowhe doesnt deserve me fk him blah blah idk, -its hard to be that i mean i put up a front all the time that yeh im okay, no im not mad, no im not upset , im fine,that no i dont care,nothing can break me , nothing can hurt me, blah blah that "tough exterior" i try to pull off.is not that "tough"as i make it look.
so somewhat of what the question... is
what will i do when the next time i get screwed over ?will i let go and stick that decision never thinking twice and not think bck or even think of giving chances out or will i forgive and fake forgetting it and be with that person give out another chance like before go against the very thing i said i wouldnt put myself through again.
but if i just constantly thought what my friend
thought i'd get no where. i guess with " love , lust , infatuation" you have to be willing to
get hurt to have any real relationship. to ...take chances and just trust the ones your with not to
hurt you .
so @ the end of this whole rant idk , i guess you can say i have mixed opinions.
like i said all this just directed from a convo i had @ skl with my grl in lunch.im just saying all this in general. ;]

babe I dont think its bad at all that you choose to give second chances. After all im with you and im in love with you and the reason im with you is because you love me and you chose to be with me. By giving second chances i think that makes you a stronger person. I can see where you are coming from in all this. But by saying its over or i dont deserve thi i dont need this over something, then that is a good thing if that is what you want. If you dont want that then giving a second chance makes you stronger. It shows that even tho you were hurt your willing to give that person a second chance because it shows you truly do care. I respect that and love that about you. You dont give up, even through the darkest times you see the goodness in people. There has been times where i have seen this "tough exterior" of yours and everytime i see right through it. That works on people who dont care about you or know you as well and as much as i do. I see right through it everytime. And thats why i dont drop it all the time, thats why i keep trying to be there for you and will be there for you no matter what. Because i know deep down you need that. Whether you say you dont or not i wont stop ever. With love, lust, and infatuation, you truly do have to be willing to get hurt. Nothing comes free or easy. If you want something in life you need to fight for it. The night is always darkest before dawn. What i mean is if you want to be truly happy, there will be dark times and hard times, arguments and fights, mistakes and second chances. But at the end of the day if you make it through you will be happy. We are happy. I love you so much. I love how you are and who you are and everything about you. I admire how you are and you teach me more and more everyday. I love you
I'm not sure where to start from all this... This is so far my favorite entry you've written.
ReplyDeleteI can agree with you on this. I mean, before, I used to be all shallow and narrow-minded about relationships and getting hurt/heart-broken. I had my share of that in the past--but say if a guy or girl was cheating or got cheated on (he/she) I'd used to say, "hey, get over him/her..., he/she isn't worth it anymore...what if he/she does it again...hurts you?" all that stuff, but now...I guess you opened up my eyes even more on this perspective. It makes the word 'love' even more meaningful...it's not even a word anymore. It's a feeling, emotion...all that...it's even much, much more. This entry represents to me that you have a very very strong love...about anybody, not just in a relationship. I know at times I'd think you'd be heartless about me, but it's not true at all...because, hey, if you or I hated each other...then we wouldnt be talking or be the closest of friends anymore. But I can clearly see how you work now, inside you. I can see that you are that strong woman that you are...Well, now even more since I know where you're coming from. To me, I don't think it's the opinions that matter the most, it's about who you are that you're voicing about, and that should matter. I have a lot of respect for you and what you say...I love you--yes, I'm going to say that...I'll never stop saying that--I admire you for you and what you represent...I hope that will never fade...
I just wish and hope, nah, nevermind...I don't want to spoil it, if you know what I mean...
I can also see that you care about so much, and that's really good...I honestly don't know anybody other than you that cares so much about anybody...That really shines...I guess I can describe you as Strong, Admirable, Caring, Respectful, Lovable, Outspoken, you have this unique individuality and personality that I dont know any other who has that...and well, you're just straight up honest, true, and YOU being YOU.
I guess im pissing you off on AIM, but hey, you know how I write...Dang, alright, you keep IMing me now...I guess I'll go back to IMing you then...
Love you...